
Do you have grain to sell?
Do you need to buy grain?
Will you need to store grain this fall?
Need to make room for grain now but think the price may go up later?
Need to sell grain this fall but do not want your money till next year?
Do you want to price your grain now for fall delivery?
Will you need to buy grain for your livestock this year and want to set a price now?


Intelligent grain merchandising is fastly becoming a requirement for sustaining profitability in your agricultural entity. Whatever your wants or needs are, when it comes to grain, call us for help. Melrose Farm Service has the knowledge, resources, and experience to help you maximise your returns. So whether you are buying or selling grain now or in the future, don't delay; timing can be everything. Give Melrose Farm Service a call at (608)488-6661 and ask for Rod.

Grain storage facilities in Melrose and Sparta, Wisconsin

Sparta Grain Plant