National Sheep Summary

San Angelo, TX Mon Feb 10, 2025 USDA Market News National Sheep Summary for Monday, February 10, 2025 Compared to two weeks ago in Missouri slaughter lambs Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3: Missouri: Wooled and shorn no test. Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 1-2: Missouri: hair 50-60 lbs 290.00-320.00; 60-70 lbs 277.50-320.00; 70-80 lbs 265.00-290.00; 80-90 lbs 215.00-225.00; 90-100 lbs 217.50-235.00; 100-110 lbs 200.00-210.00. Slaughter Ewes: Missouri: Good 2-3 (fleshy) no test; Utility and Good 1-3 (medium flesh) hair 105.00-115.00; Cull and Utility 1-2 (very thin) hair 75.00-80.00. Feeder Lambs: Medium and Large 1-2: Missouri: hair 30-40 lbs 275.00-322.50; 40-50 lbs 265.00-315.00. Replacement Ewes: Medium and Large 1-2: Missouri: yearling hair 240.00/head; young hair 145.00-300.00/head; middle age hair 135.00/head. Sheep and lamb slaughter under federal inspection for the week to date 11,000 compared to 11,000 last week and 10,000 last year. Source: USDA LPG, San Angelo, TX Rebecca Sauder 325-450-4265