Quotes are delayed, as of January 04, 2025, 06:16:57 AM CST or prior.
Ag Commentary
Cattle Closes Mostly Lower Despite $200 Cash -

Live cattle futures closed with most contracts down anywhere from a nickel to $1.40 and Feb up 45 cents. Cash trade this week was reported at

Cotton Falls Lower on Friday -

Cotton futures posted losses of 12 to 92 point losses on Friday, with March falling 123 points on the week. The outside factors should be supportive

Wheat Collapses into the Weekend, with Marketing Year Low in Export Business -

The wheat market posted double digit losses across most contracts in the three exchanges on Friday. Chicago SRW futures closed with contracts down

Hogs Slip Lower on Friday -

Lean hog futures closed with contracts steady to 92 cents lower on Friday. The national average base hog negotiated price was reported at $79.59 on

Corn Collapses on Friday -

The corn market felt pressure on Friday after a lack luster export sales performance. Futures ended the session with contracts down 4 ¼ to 9 cents,

Soybeans Fall on Friday, as Meal Collapses -

Soybeans collapsed on Friday, as contracts are closed with losses of 15 ½ to 21 ¼ cents at the final bell. March soybeans closed the week with a 2

Full commentary...

The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange